Consultation: Certification of carbon removals – EU rules

Consultation: Certification of carbon removals

This initiative will propose EU rules on certifying carbon removals. It will develop the necessary rules to monitor, report and verify the authenticity of these removals.The aim is to expand sustainable carbon removals and encourage the use of innovative solutions to capture, recycle and store CO2 by farmers, foresters and industries. This represents a necessary and significant step towards integrating carbon removals into EU climate policies.

About this consultation

  • Consultation period: 07 February 2022 – 02 May 2022  (midnight Brussels time)
  • Topic: Climate action

Target audience

The stakeholders identified are entities delivering carbon removals, including land managers, farmers, foresters and industrial companies operating the capture and storage of carbon; but also all potential purchasers of carbon removals, including companies in the food processing sector and digital technology sector, as well as public administrations in Member States interested in increasing carbon removals and the scientific community. Another group of stakeholders are those in existing voluntary carbon removal markets, e.g. certification bodies or financial agents traditionally supporting the land sector.

Contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire.

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