SEB and Hafslund Celsio – Invites companies to buy carbon removals from waste incineration

Hafslund Celsio has mandated SEB to offer carbon removal certificates from the planned carbon capture plant at the waste-to-energy facility in Oslo.

“We offer a solution to companies that do not have the opportunity to reduce all their emissions. This concerns not only heavy industry sectors such as steel, energy, chemicals, cement, and aviation, but almost all sectors with scope 3 emissions. By buying carbon removal certificates, they can neutralize their hard-to-abate emissions and thus reach their climate goals,” says Jannicke Gerner Bjerkås, director CCS and Carbon Markets at Hafslund Celsio.

SEB has been mandated to sell Hafslund Celsio’s carbon removal certificates to a wide audience of prospective buyers. The bank is a pioneer in this emerging market.

>> Read the full pressrelease at SEB or Hafslund (in Norwegian)

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