Study visit to Sysav June 4 – Fully booked!

The study visit to Sysav waste-to-energy plant during The Nordic BioCCUS Expo on June 4 is fully booked with a waiting list.

Important! Departure från Malmömässan at 08.30. Please update your registration via Confetti if you can’t make it, or contact Klimpo.

The guide will start presenting on the bus, so it is not possible to join by private car this time.

The SYSAV waste-to-energy plant is one of the most energy-efficient plants in Sweden, as well as being one of the most advanced plants in the world. The plant includes four boilers, the first two of which began operation in 1973. The two advanced boilers, fitted in 2003 and 2008 respectively, are steam boilers that generate electricity and district heating. The capacity of the plant is 650,000 tonnes of waste annually.

>> Visit the Expo website

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