THANK YOU for making the Nordic CCUS Expo a great success!

About 250 participants joined our first ever Nordic CCUS Expo in Malmö on Tuesday to network, share experiences, and gain new insights.

Some highlights from the event captured by Klimpo.

The day was buzzing with energy, smiles, important discussions, takeaways, new contacts, and reunions. An intense day of insightful panels, meetings, a visit to Sysav’s waste-to-energy plant, as well as engaging discussion with Vijay Tank, COO Energy Infrastructure Solutions – Nordics at E.ON, and Malin Dahlroth CEO at Sysav, on sustainability challenges and opportunities. Stay tuned for the Klimatpositivt! podcast release with the interview!

⭐️ A special shout-out to our partners E-ON, Sysav and Altera and all the important exhibitors and visitors for making this day a great success.  

Some (out of of many) takeaways:

🌍 The panel with Swedish candidates for the #EUElections2024, Martin Hallander, Region Skåne (KD), Beatrice Timgren, Member of the Swedish Parliament (SD), and Magnus P. Wåhlin, Municipal Council Växjö (MP), all agreed CCS could be a crucial technology for climate and jobs in Europe, and that we in the Nordics, should cooperate more closely in this field.

🌍 There is significant momentum behind #BioCCUS (Bioenergy Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage) in the Nordics, and we are pleased to see the growing number of companies working towards a climate-positive EU by 2050. Projects and international cooperation are vital for #CCUS success, with Nordic countries leading the way. New storage sites are also crucial to launching projects across Europe.

🌍 #BioCCS is crucial for scaling up #CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal) to meet the 1.5-degree target. Enabling private CDR offtake agreements and government subsidies is key to facilitating these projects.

Some fantastic news were delivered during the event:

🌍 CCUS is the future for Skåne region! Sysav announced a strategic decision on #CCUS, targeting 2030, with board and stakeholder support, and signed a climate contract with the City of Malmö.
 -> Read the full pressrelease

🌍 Hafslund Celsio has teamed up with SEB to sell Carbon Removal Certificates from their WtE plant in Oslo. This could be an important milestone for the entire waste-to-energy sector working on sustainable business models for carbon capture and storage. Hopefully #BioCCS certificates can gradually evolve into liquid financial instruments!

-> Read the full pressrelease (SEB, in English)

-> Read the full pressrelease (Hafslund Celsio, in Norwegian)

🌍 Finally, Check out Microsoft’s carbon removal whitepaper “CDR Accounting” on corporate and country-level claims, mentioned by Ole-Henrik Ree, Industry Lead Energy at Microsoft during his interview.

Thank you and again and we’re looking forward to continuing this important work!

👋 See you in Stockholm 15-16 October, 2024, if not before!

// The Klimpo-Team, Karolina Unger, Malin Fredriksson, Kristofer Pettersson & Richard Unger

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