THANK YOU for making the Nordic CCUS Expo a great success!


About 250 participants joined our first ever Nordic CCUS Expo in Malmö on Tuesday to network, share experiences, and gain new insights. The day was buzzing with energy, smiles, important discussions, takeaways, new contacts, and reunions. An intense day of insightful panels, meetings, a visit to Sysav’s waste-to-energy plant, as well as engaging discussion with […]

Net-zero targets: Carbon dioxide removal essential in meeting company


Companies are coming under increasing pressure to set – and meet – climate goals, according to Nasdaq’s 2023 Global Net Zero Pulse survey of 200+ ESG and sustainability professionals, among other respondents, across the globe. The Nasdaq ESG Advisory team conducted the survey to assess the role carbon-removal credits play in corporate net-zero strategies. Corporates are the […]

Forskning: Köpare av kolkrediter har bättre hållbarhetsarbete


Företag som frivilligt engagerar sig i koldioxidmarknaden tar större ansvar och vidtar mer ambitiösa klimatåtgärder – snarare än att bara använda krediter som en metod för att undvika ansvar. Det visar ny forskning. Det skriver Miljö & Utveckling i en artikel 11 oktober 2023. En ny rapport, publicerad av Ecosystem Marketplace, visar i stället att […]

Carbfix and Carbonfuture added to next week’s conference programme!


More speaker added! Happy to introduce Altug Ekici from Carbonfuture, Kristinn Ingi Larusson and Olafur E. Johannsson from Carbfix who will be joining us for the conference in Stockholm! Learn more about #BioCCUS project potentials, the required scaling and how high class digital MRV can help to secure #carbonfinance. Carbfix will tell us how to turn CO2 into stone in less then two years! 💫 📅 Date: 3-4 October, […]

Synpunkter på certifiering av industriella kolupptag

Call for input: Industrial Removal Certification Methodologies EU kommissionen har publicerat en inbjudan att lämna synpunkter på metoder för certifiering av industriellt kolupptag, såsom för BECCS, DACCS och lagring i långlivade produkter. Deadline 15 september.  >> Mer information på EUSurvey – Survey (

EU-kommissionens planer för #CDR publicerade: ”Restoring Sustainable Carbon Cycles”

EU flag

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