Debatt i Aktuell Hållbarhet: ”Ytterligare incitament behövs för att få fart på utvecklingen av bio-CCS”
Sverige kan bli världsledande på att avlägsna koldioxid från atmosfären. Men för största möjliga klimatnytta är det viktigt med fortsatta satsningar inom tre områden, skriver Karolina Unger på Klimpo och Clara Axblad på Bellona Europa i Aktuell Hållbarhet. Energimyndigheten beviljade i förra veckan 20 miljarder kronor till Stockholm Exergi för att avlägsna 11 miljoner ton biogen […]
Joint letter – Industry leaders & CSOs call for CCS deployment prioritisation in the Clean Industrial Deal
A coalition of 39 industry leaders and civil society organisations urge the European Commission to advance an ambitious Clean Industrial Deal, emphasising the crucial role of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This letter outlines key priorities for policy, infrastructure, and funding to accelerate CCS deployment, ensuring industrial decarbonisation, economic […]
Council greenlights EU certification framework for permanent carbon removals
Yesterday, the Council gave the final green light to a regulation establishing the first EU-level certification framework for permanent carbon removals, carbon farming and carbon storage in products. This voluntary framework will facilitate and encourage high-quality carbon removal and soil emission reduction activities in the EU, as a complement to sustained emission reductions. The regulation will be the first step in introducing […]
Altera Infrastructure: CCS Project STARFISH awarded EUR 225 million from EU Innovation Fund
On October 23, 2024 EU announced that the STARFISH project, a part of Altera Infrastructure’s broader Stella Maris CCS initiative, has been awarded up to EUR 225 million in grant funding by the EU Innovation Fund. The STARFISH (or Sequestration Technology And Reservoir: Floating Injection and Storage in Havstjerne) project, developed in partnership with Harbour […]
Öresundskraft satsning på koldioxidinfångning får stöd från EU:s innovationsfond
EU-kommissionen meddelar att Öresundskrafts projekt för koldioxidinfångning (CCS) vid Filbornaverket är utvalt att få finansiellt stöd från EU:s innovationsfond. Dagens besked innebär att Öresundskraft bjuds in till att förhandla om slutgiltiga avtalsvillkor och teckna avtal. Öresundskrafts ansökan avser stöd på 54 miljoner Euro. Öresundskrafts CCS satsning syftar till att fånga in och lagra ca 200 […]
EU invests €4.8 billion of emissions trading revenues in innovative net-zero projects
Today, the Commission has selected 85 innovative net-zero projects to receive €4.8 billion in grants from the Innovation Fund, helping to put cutting-edge clean technologies into action across Europe. For the first time, projects of different scales (large, medium and small, alongside pilots) and with a cleantech manufacturing focus are awarded under the 2023 call for proposals. This is the […]
Godkänt: 36 miljarder till nytt stöd för bio-CCS
EU-kommissionen godkänner Energimyndighetens nya stödsystem för bio-CCS genom omvänd auktion. En första utlysning beräknas öppna efter sommaren. Sverige har som mål att uppnå netto-nollutsläpp till 2045 och därefter åstadkomma negativa utsläpp av växthusgaser. Detta kräver många olika typer av insatser och åtgärder. En åtgärd är att satsa på bio-CCS, där koldioxid från förnybara källor avskiljs […]
Commission approves €3 billion Swedish State aid scheme to support the roll-out of BioCCS
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €3 billion (SEK 36 billion) Swedish scheme to support carbon capture and storage (‘CCS’) aimed at reducing carbon dioxide (‘CO2’) released during the combustion or processing of biomass (‘biogenic CO2’). The measure will contribute to the achievement of Sweden’s climate targets and the EU’s […]
THANK YOU for making the Nordic CCUS Expo a great success!
About 250 participants joined our first ever Nordic CCUS Expo in Malmö on Tuesday to network, share experiences, and gain new insights. The day was buzzing with energy, smiles, important discussions, takeaways, new contacts, and reunions. An intense day of insightful panels, meetings, a visit to Sysav’s waste-to-energy plant, as well as engaging discussion with […]
Adopted: New templates for Member States’ climate reporting incl. bio-CCS
On 7 May 2024, the Commission adopted an Implementing Regulation updating the templates for Member States to report their climate action data. Specifically, the templates that were updated concern the reporting by Member States on: The data collected through these reporting templates helps the Commission determine whether Member States and the EU are on track […]